Friday, January 23, 2015

Taking a Stand

Without a doubt, my favorite activity this week was our Stamp Act reaction.  The William and Mary theme for the Revolution is "Cause and Effect."  Everything we are currently reviewing in American history is viewed through the lens of a cause and effect model.  After reviewing the reasons behind the Stamp Act and the ramifications for the colonists, the ASPIRE 5 students were asked to choose one of the multiple perspectives that were presented, and write a letter that reflected their opinions about the act.

First, I was very pleased with the variety of viewpoints that were presented.  Students wrote from the perspectives of colonist, British citizen, King George, Parliament, and the House of Burgesses.  Next, many of the students tried to write authentic letters that reflected the vocabulary, dialect, people, and culture of the 1760's.  Finally, the students captured the essence of the activity - emotion!  They expressed the anxiety, frustration, and even outrage that eventually led to the Revolutionary War.  In the end, they demonstrated an understanding of the concept of cause and effect as it applies to the Stamp Act, and had fun in the process using their writing skills, creativity, and wit.

This was the second time we have tried this approach to American history.  Last semester, they wrote a persuasive letter to a potential indentured servant.  That assignment was also a big success, as they used creativity for a sensitive topic, which showed maturity beyond their years.  We will continue to look at historical topics through multiple perspectives throughout the year.  Only then can they grasp the causes and effects of important events in our nation's history, and have a true appreciation for the American story.

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